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Title Score
Drop pumpkin on floor. 243
==> 243
Rose: Hurry up to the wall. 243
BOY. 243
==> ==> 243
John: Prepare for nap. 243
John: Go get a beverage. 243
==> 243
Roxy: Wail like an imbecile and shit on your turntable. 243
Dave: Use a punched Gamebro Magazine and timetables. 243
Dave: Kick that puppet out of illicit literature. 243
Hours in the box. 243
Dave: Search for carving apparatus. 243
==> 243
Render the girl in a Timeless Expanse... 243
John: Get funny glasses too. 243
==> 243
Meanwhile, in the car. 243
This one's empty. Perhaps a delivery is in there. Take a look. 243