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Title Score
WV: Try to understand. 238
WV: Turn on your desk. 238
==> 238
Dave: Look at a book. 238
==> 238
AH: That sounds like a goat and piss on your turntable. 238
==> 238
AH: Why don't you keep drawing Homestuck or something. 238
John: Put the bunny back in time and stop the thief. 238
==> 238
==> 238
Ok, John. Let's explore this place! 238
==> 238
Roxy: Put out fires. 238
Terezi: Orchestrate demise of the Midnight Crew. 238
==> 238
John: Go to computer. 238
This one's empty. Perhaps a delivery is in there. Take a juggling club. 238
John: Read note. 238
==> 238