Vriska: Answer white text crashed my browser. |
242 |
==> |
242 |
John: Go get cane. |
242 |
WV: Go outside and check on John. |
242 |
Dave: Go get fake arms with cake. |
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John: Look up. |
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ACT 3 |
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Jane: Feed it to specibus. |
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Jane: Consult with him. |
242 |
Jane: Follow the agent. |
242 |
AH: Forget it. Go back into the garbage disposal. |
242 |
==> |
242 |
John: Reunite with your own brain. |
242 |
You are now... |
242 |
242 |
==> |
242 |
Terezi: Prepare to retrieve pogo from card. |
242 |
==> |
242 |
Jade: Stick fruits in the future, but not many... |
242 |
Years in the jumper block. |
242 |