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Title Score
==> 253
Examine placronym. 253
Roxy: Get to that observatory. 253
John: Wake up. 253
John: Reunite with your weak pathetic digits. 253
Roxy: Abscond. 253
======> 253
Terezi: Go get a bookmark. 253
Seconds in the future... 253
Dave: Stop being that guy. 253
==> 253
Jane: Return home. 253
Dave: Look at the piece of shit. 253
Dave: Combine fetus in a rational, diplomatic manner. 253
I clicked on all those characters. Time to move on. 253
Jade: Captchalogue bass on card with the trash. 253
==> 253
AH: Why don't you keep drawing Homestuck or something. 253
Sollux: Get to that observatory. 253
======> 253