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Title Score
======> 273
Jack: Examine. 273
Meanwhile, in the past... 273
Karkat: Examine Feferi. 273
Dave: Look at the other other girl. 273
==> 273
==> 273
Dave: Skip ahead a little. 273
==> ==> 273
Rose: Hop over counter, landing in a jar and Mr. T puppet. 273
John: Zoom in. 273
AH: Go check on John. 273
======> 273
Skip to the other guy. 273
John: Enter code on back of captchalogue card on totem lathe. 273
Rose: Hit John in the seizure kernel. 273
John: Captchalogue the beta. 273
Rose: Consult with him. 273
Jade: Combine Rose's crystal ball and glasses. 273