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Page 141 of 842

Title Score
Terezi: Confer with teammate. 256
Rose: Look around room. 256
TT: Deploy Cruxtruder. 256
John: Obtain SW33TL00T. 256
Roxy: Get little ray gun. 256
Minutes in the car. 256
Jane: Ok, back to adventurin'. 255
Jack: Look at the piece of shit. 255
Terezi: Go get help. 255
Dave: Go back into the garbage disposal. 255
John: Fill up an entire queuestack with shoes. 255
Don't I know you? 255
==> 255
==> 255
John: Examine reverse side of hammer card in a jar and Mr. T puppet. 255
==> ==> 255
==> ==> 255
==> 255
==> 255
==> 255