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Vriska: Deal with AG. 263
==> 263
Tavros: Roll up your toys! 263
WV: Search room for anything dad may have left behind 263
======> 263
Jane: Go to bedroom. 263
WV: Type => VIEW 263
==> 263
John: Get more stuff. 263
now sir boy, flee from this boorish rabble post haste. 263
==> 263
==> 263
Dave: Make a goddamn killing in the future... 263
John: Enter code on back of captchalogue card on totem lathe. 262
==> 262
Calliope: Check out other posters. 262
Roxy: Get little ray gun. 262
Jack: Look at the piece of shit. 262
Terezi: Troll TC. 262
And later still... 262