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Title Score
Skip to the mausoleum. 271
==> 271
Jack: Apologize to guard's body. 271
Sollux: Taste honey. 271
==> 271
PM?: Grab the soiled toilet. 271
==> ==> 271
END OF ACT 1. 271
WV: Be the other wall. 271
John: Attempt to get a god damn new sword. 271
John: Proceed to transmaterializer. 271
John: Reunite with your weak pathetic digits. 271
Be the other half of your own pee for the mailman. 271
==> 271
sir john, i have a look around, Rose. 271
==> 271
Jade: Go explore the house. 271
Jade: Examine magic 8-ball and magic cue ball. 271
Sollux: Get to that observatory. 271
==> 271