Rose: Turn on the sofa.

TA: they're all goiing two diie.

TA: kiinda liike a biilliion tiime2.

TA: hey change of plan, we arent playiing thii2 game 2uck2 and aa ii2 full of crap.

TA: and i guess s0.

TA: just the d0uche wh0 blinded me in the afterlife? that's easy.

TA: well, yeah, y0u kind 0f were, s0rt 0f a relief, maybe y0u're right, i'm feeling better ab0ut this already.

TA: 2o we don't know 2hiit about thii2 awful iidea.

You take a stab at matching the cards to replicate a real tenable predicament, does it look like?

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