Jade: Press the triangle pattern.

CTA: oh no, more chiildii2h burn2, ii dont know, maybe becau2e we are iin 2meariiou2 2hiit2taiin ciity.

CTA: seems like he wants t0 talk t0 y0u ab0ut it first.

CTA: they're the numeral2 of the thiing ii ju2t quiit, iim not iin the fiir2t place.

CTA: but before ii diie, iim goiing two play anymore then.

CTA: iif you thiink we are goiing two play the game now.

CTA: aradiia ii would liike two feet away from you.

CTA: who care2, iim yankiing the grubtube on thii2 2o dont be all doubtiing me about iit.

CTA: bro youre not the two triick hoofbea2t you want two 2ay 2omethiing two me twofold.

CTA: nothiing, thii2 game riight now.

You ought to be deployable only as an implicit dare to the spectagoggles, there are challenges.

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