John: Rebuild the claw hammer and nails. They will come in handy.

CTA: can s0me0ne please tell me that, what gives? 0r that y0u might have t0 hide anym0re?

CTA: ii am goiing two play the game anymore.

CTA: ii2nt that kiind of liike how an angel earn2 iit2 wiing2.

CTA: you are now offiiciially the liife of the game ii2 bad

CTA: 2ome crazy technology AA dug out of your biizarre robot doppelganger.

CTA: i can't believe this, it's alm0st as if t0 say, n0w that they're g0ne the difference is HUGE, i mean t0 say, n0w that they're g0ne the difference is HUGE, i mean n0t YET. maybe i'll ask kk.

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