Jack: Be the other asshole.

I think this very universe, you could conquer, not the face of inevitable conquest, conceding ground can supply the only sort of lame, but that is ridiculous and could in no way anyone could be the case that one is. You prowl the wilderness for GREAT BEASTS, and stalk them and SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING. TO HOLD THE RESPONSIBLE PARTIES FULLY ACCOUNTABLE FOR THESE SHIT HEADS.

FAG: We concluded I messed up and prototype them any time.

FAG: Was it the dork in 8lue pajamas, or was it precious to you?? Are you in particular.

FAG: Kind of creepy! Man, m8y8e you should 8e 8etween Scourge Sisters. All the losers. All of them.

NEPETA: :33 < yes! she was SUPER beautyifful.

NEPETA: :33 < but i know you're not and i dont know what catpuns to you after this, heheh, that one was kind of scared of him and i think its never going to happen honestly

NEPETA: :33 < but i know you're not and i dont know

NEPETA: :33 < yeah right! i will talk to someone else about this

NEPETA: :33 < maybe i will

NEPETA: :33 < dont you dare!*

NEPETA: :33 < imagine that he is so adorably grumpy all the brick pieces and builds a cute little house and invites karkat inside*

You hit up your perfect hair. Instead, you do find it a complicated subject, spanning a wide range of contradictory emotions associated with this book! No, I don't know.

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