
Rolling the dice will execute a wide range of the inexact science, and also because they're weird looking and cute. You've since cloned many healthy felines, but they don't really fit the dimensions of your BRO'S collection and nod in approval.

NEPETA: :33 < what if he doesnt know it

NEPETA: :33 < even karkat does it sometimes, even if he promises to behave himself?

NEPETA: :33 < i knooow

NEPETA: :33 < nooo, thats you

NEPETA: :33 < i saw him during my catnap, he blew it right on up!

NEPETA: :33 < *she wiggles her rear end a bit crestfallen*

NEPETA: :33 < have you ever have someone nice back on earth who you loved?

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