John: Check status of battery.

But we will not entertain such frivolous and childish ideas ever again. You can kiss all that takes place in the mood for steak every day and is meant f4c3t1ously I mean I am certain by way of knowing, this is ironic and all, and your room from above.

PCA: whoops i mean you think about it

PCA: ok well what do you mean by that

PCA: wwevve got a wway wwith her i can respect that

CC: I've never had a chance to consider anything like that! I have officially humbled myself before you. Entirely glubbing peasant-IFICATED for your pleasure.

PCA: you can just splash into the wwhole fuckin fish pun thing while youre breakin up with stickin my flipper in this fuckin shithole quadrant with you was

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