
CCG unbanned himself from responding to memo.

FAC: :33 < okay it has romantic applications but it is also something more general than that

FAC: :33 < but at least its still fun!

FAC: :33 < *and then wakes up and frowns because she has bad news*

FAC: :33 < hmmmmm

FAC: :33 < *she doesnt understand why we are doing this!

FAC: :33 < well i think YOUR habits are unsavory!

FAC: :33 < *and then wakes up and frowns because she has bad news*

FAC: :33 < yes well we will just s33 about that!

FAC: :33 < *and the other one to blow you a kiss!*

There is plenty of grist for messing around time to bury the hatchet? You are SO gonna wear that thing, you idiot.

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