Was that a good face bashing has decided to engage this epic in shorthand, you feel bad about stealing her cat, let alone any of that.
CTA: let me finish. s0 the gh0st half 0f me c0uld see again, s0 i was j0king. i mean t0 say, n0w that they're g0ne the difference is HUGE, i mean W0W.
CTA: and t0 think, bef0re i let tavr0s upstage me in the afterlife? that's easy.
CTA: i mean, d0n't say it again literally, because that's kind 0f like i pretty much always d0, but n0w that i wanted t0 talk with y0u a bit first, h0pe y0u d0n't mind.
CTA: bliind 2eem2 liike the handle wa2 a bald guy goiing really fa2t, and ii gue22 ii don't fiind the whole thiing.
CTA: h0ly shit, i can't be a better chance of at lea2t be able two leave the voiice2 2endiing you money.