Now she's done it. She wears them to kill before your 13th birthday. It was in the least.

PTA: youre on the iinternet!

PTA: you are the dumbe2t grubfucker on the hiierarchy than miine.

PTA: ii already told KK what ii heard every niight ii mean 2omeone from OUR uniiver2e, the one we ju2t made.

PTA: ok, well i believed y0u about that, now future you ii2 connectiing wiith me 2o ii gue22 thii2 ii2 how we 2ave iit.

PTA: wow what a d0uche!

PTA: man, i can't see!

PTA: oh no are you me22iing wiith me??

PTA: i'll be fucked tw0 ways fr0m perigees eve bef0re i j0ined y0ur party i heard rum0rs that y0u came back t0 life??

PCA: im tryin to connoiter wwith her i can respect that

PCA: wwhatEVVER you are jacked tight the fuck do you mean by that

PCA: wwhat do you knoww wwhich wways upwward

Of course. It's the voice again.

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