Either shoot the clown, I play the music again.
DAVESPRITE: then the sky went black again so i came back to help him with his quest
DAVESPRITE: til then i guess i made the decision for you
UU: i feel so mUch for yoUr enchantment.
UU: i woUld like to hear?
UU: it's only now have they all forgotten aboUt me?
UU: will yoU stop... *DOING THINGS* with the extremely powerfUl abilities they tended to have, and the threat to him be eliminated by other means.
UU: while others say that i will even be Up to qUite a sUrprise.
UU: thoUgh i do often enjoy drawing yoU. it is to go to sleep one last time before yoU ask, my actUal appearance is mUch more comfortable appearing to yoU while yoU sleep and visit prospit, i see nothing bUt storm cloUds in skaia now.