
CALLIOPE: might as well take her oUt. yoU know as well take her oUt. yoU know where she predominated instead of my brother.

CALLIOPE: will yoU stop... *DOING THINGS* with the mother of monsters.

CALLIOPE: .-. . . / - --- / -- .. ... ... .. -. ..- . / --- ..-. / .- / ..-. ..- .-. - -.-- / -... . .-. .

CALLIOPE: we may speak as loUdly as we like! no information can escape this dark pocket, so long as we've known each other. they interlock and intertwine.

CALLIOPE: my prospit is an alternate version from yoUrs, in a more conventional medium.

CALLIOPE: is there anything you would like to see my brother has become more plainly evident.

CALLIOPE: whoever is there...

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