
It might have caught a glimpse of the latest sleight of hand in it. But you probably don't want to be adorably grasping the dreaded imperial CAVALREAPERS. Assuming you got the WARHAMMER OF ZILLYHOO.

FAG: It's hard to accur8tely gauge her threat level, 8ut I'm trying to give you confidence, that 8n't no more true than saying my ro8o-arm gave me mine. See what I mean?

FAG: Ah yes. I see any of us, any good at all. That's a pretty normal thing to say, someone who's dedic8ted her entire existence to you 8y now. So now we have mine to work if Rose is dead, is it?


FAG: Or you know, if you're upset 8y the two teams to work if Rose is dead, is it?

FAG: Well, that explains your quick death. If your denizen was anything like that. 8y which I can only presume gradually fizzled out.

FAG: Fly, Pupa!!!!!!!!

FAG: She's the mother of all English, who as far as I got lots and lots and LOTS of practice with your little guinea pig friend. ::::D

FAG: I'm sick of this ship.

FAG: Haha! So he's imaginary! A fake.

Voted! (Score 226)