Serenity: Go get a beverage.

John is online and stuff. Brilliant business strategy, really. As heiress to the bizzack, now ladies here we gizzo

FEFERI: And I told you!

FEFERI: I do not even process it as yelling anymore. More like a lot less patient with me! When I was just trying to keep you from killing everybody or hurting yourself.

FEFERI: It took all my time worrying about it now.

FEFERI: Just like mine saved me.

FEFERI: Okay, I am up to my gills in it! I just made myself hungry. 380~

FEFERI: I woke up and then your lusus saved you! Kind of like mine did.

FEFERI: I am going to be the Empress, but now I am still your friend.

Voted! (Score 221)