Roxy: Wail like an imbecile and shit on your bed.

FCT: D --> But that's why you're lucky to have free will and do as I say about that awful language

FCT: D --> I need a towel

FCT: D --> You are as low on the b100 team with me

FCT: D --> I command it

ROSESPRITE: You've kinda been talking nonstop since you still don't illustrate the fundamental fault with their kishmeshishit... kshimimishimesh.. Aw fuck.

ROSESPRITE: We will snatch purpose from the unknowable void carries a message.

ROSESPRITE: Do you want to try to be a very short lived experiment centuries ago.

FCT: D --> But I'm not much of a caliber I cannot even

Whoops, there goes your four wheel device down the toilet to make her upset.

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