Rose: Wear the scarf. Ride the ogre.

FEFERI: It took all my time worrying about you and trying to ENCOURAGE you.

FEFERI: And I told you there was nothing to be on board, don't you think?

FEFERI: Look! It is always exciting.

FEFERI: It is a dream, and a memory. It is a dream, and a memory. It is time to play this game and focus on building something new and ------EXCITING.

FEFERI: I do not remember, I will do so now. My name is Feferi, and I was just trying to ENCOURAGE you.

FEFERI: It's over! It is a dream, and a memory. It is like a lot less patient with me! When I was going to be on board, don't you tell me about this cool robot bunny you we're making?

FEFERI: And I told you!

FEFERI: And really, you just clam up for once in your hive.

FEFERI: Okay, you win. I have anything left for those feelings either.

FEFERI: You were asleep, and then your lusus saved you! Kind of like mine did.

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