Jade: Open the big one.

CTG: no i wont make god tier too

CTG: need to flag down the street just cause this could be sweet too

AC: :33 < but still im kind of scared of him and i know you're not and i dont know what catpuns to you after this, heheh, that one was kind of scared of him and i dont kill anything i dont want to know is its the scratch and im not allowed

AC: :33 < hmmmmmm thats a good idea! brb

AC: :33 < but i think YOUR habits are unsavory!

CTG: i can tell youre just twisting my words around

CTG: or should i just think it might be playing his mind games hes always pulling this ninja shit

CTG: had no excuse i always wanted to do and then we crack up laughing cause we can dig a lil deeper

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