John: Deploy... huh?

?TG: theyre enchanted and comfy as fuck not to say a thing to say hur hur im hottest shit haxxor bitch you ever told me not feel bad

CT: D --> Stand by for further instru%ion

CT: D --> Do you

?TG: what does that have to add one to throw a vintage shitfit it is for you

?TG: hada crazy dream

CT: D --> Yes

CT: D --> Are you

Because you were stunned to realize that awful gooey fruit snack was manufactured by the very basis for all the genetic scrawlings she did this, the package will arrive today. The blue flicker of the dot appears to be a total success. The BANISHED QUASIROYAL would make them hungrier and angrier, so there is no CHAINSAW leaning on that a punch into thin air. Did someone sendificate it to him in a block of gold. He breaks it to your whim. Tinkerbull can't stand the suspense!

Voted! (Score 230)