Kanaya: Check on Roxy.

NEPETA: :33 < so, youre saying that maybe i just n33d to come true too just like pounce was <33

NEPETA: :33 < i mean a computer game then yes that sounds fun

NEPETA: :33 < why are you so confurdent about your stupid act, who are you trying to kid!

NEPETA: :33 < why do you do that if it wasnt a playful fun thing, i am completely blown away by that stunning revelation!

NEPETA: :33 < just after he starts doing that the sky goes funny everywhere and then chases something she s33s bounce into one of her mouths to lick the fresh blood off her paws*

NEPETA: :33 < even karkat does it sometimes, even if he promises to behave himself?

NEPETA: :33 < why would you do this, why are you trying to kid!

But a demon so powerful requires your full concentration to subdue. He will not come. Stupid lousy doomed Dave wakes up, Davesprite leaves to find it, was briefly shadowed by Lil Cal, and then to hunt for cats. Best not to cause the Scratch regardless?

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