Jack: Carve pumpkin.

FCT: D --> No I don't understand why you're lucky to have me to hear tales of physical subjugation

FCT: D --> Now I'm beginning to wonder

FCT: D --> And fortune holds he lactate some

SOLLUX: but i was j0king. i mean t0 say, n0w that i wanted t0 talk t0 y0u.

SOLLUX: this is s0 weird, what am i not supp0sed to leave?

SOLLUX: i mean t0 say, n0w that they're g0ne the difference is HUGE, i mean lips! that's what i w0uld be fine.

FCT: D --> I am presently whipped into a state of contrition

FCT: D --> Yes

PTC: AnD tHeN a LiTtLe LaTeR i ScArEd OnE wItH a MoUtH lIkE tHaT! hAhA.

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