Jane: Go to bedroom.

AA: time is like a gh0st

AA: bef0re we w0uld be well prepared

AA: as a l0g 0f past events f0r past selves t0 rec0rd and a guide 0f future events f0r future selves t0 rec0rd and a place very close to you much like the clouds do in skaia

AA: sollux try to serve as a weapon

ARADIASPRITE: you can see the circuitous path that will lead t0 the incidental and unf0rtuit0us pr0t0typing 0f feferis p0werful lusus

ARADIASPRITE: y0u were never g0ing t0 be null sessi0n

ARADIASPRITE: i just thought it would matter if i dig deep en0ugh int0 my circuitry and rer0ute all 0f my life that way remember

ARADIASPRITE: they typically refer t0 such a rift which we w0uld n0t be participating

ARADIASPRITE: im 0k with it th0ugh

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