Dirk: Check on Sollux.

TA: iit ju2t make2 NO 2en2e, you can read my miind.

TA: well shit, why can't i just want to spend time with aa and chill 0ut and catch up again later, h0pefully when this is s0 0bvi0us.

TA: bro youre not the red and blue thiing a re2t for a true prophet of doom.

TA: aradiia ii would liike two dude2 on doublebutler ii2land.

TA: 0h g0d, why didn't y0u tell me wh0 is talking.

TA: eheheheheh riight on but let2 2hut our mouth2 a 2econd really you dont belong near computer2.

You once again try to pander to yours. It felt a bit more.

Voted! (Score 219)