Rose: Use pogo ride card.

Oh hell no. Not Karkat. You were floating somewhere inside a computer shaped like an apology to someone moving it.

TC: It'S cOoL wE cOuLd AlL uP iN tHiS sHiT, hAhAhAhAhA!

TC: YeAh, I cOuLd BaKe YoU a FuCkIn AlL sHaKeD uP bOtTlE oF fUcKiN fAyGo I jUsT cRaCkEd Up OpEn.

TC: ArE YoU SuRe i cAn't sEe hOw i wOuLdN'T Be aLl kIcKiNg tHe wIcKeD ShIt oUt Of SoMe RhYmEs BrO.

Voted! (Score 227)