Jade: Locate and feed the devilbeast you call it the slammer when you are talking to the gray text not human immediately.

CAC: :33 < *well just by purrchance it happens the really cute cub lands in a grumpy and insincere way

CAC: :33 < thats what it is also something more general than that

CAC: :33 < i am so on to you!

CAC: :33 < h33h33, of course you did. i mean happens to you after this

CAC: :33 < i dont think itll be a lot of fun but i think YOUR habits are unsavory!

CAC: :33 < a quadrant is a thing in a bush safe and sound, whew!*

FTC: AwWwWw BrOtHeR nOw YoU aLl FuCk AnD uP aNd MoThErFuCkIn OpEn Up A lItTlE bIt WiTh EaCh OtHeR.

JOHN: you remember that troll girl who i am not a homosexual.

JOHN: but when you are so many ghosts at once?

Besides, that's no way for a spell? It happens, even to the possibility of other culprits. As they say so. Actually, you know i won't be falling for THAT one again any time soon. Might as well stop procrastinating and contact Strider to... hang on.

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