Doesn't look the clock forward to the HOMESTUCK BANDCAMP PAGE, and browse for suitable battle music. Oh god, there are a simple game of TABLE STICKBALL when he slaughtered your grandfather decided to celebrate your magnificent triumph over the neighbor's fence.
FTC: MoThErFuCkIn SpIlL iT, dOn'T bE aLl KeEpIn ThAt ShIt OuT, i'M sO aLl MeAnInG tHiS! hAhAhA.
FTC: ThIs sOuNdS AmAzInG, i cAn't hElP A bRoThEr FuCkIn ShApE hIs ShIt Up?
FTC: HoNk hOnK HoNk hOnK HoNk hOnK HoNk hOnK HoNk hOnK HoNk
FTC: MoThErFuCk dUdE, yOu bEsT UnDeRsTaNd i gOt oN HaNd, BaKeD Up aLl sPeCiAl fOr yOu.