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Page 840 of 843

Title Score
WV: Turn on your bed. 550
Dirk: Captchalogue Hella Jeff drawing. 526
John: Examine reverse side of hammer card in a more symbolic manner. 582
Jack: Search for a boss battle. 582
Rose: Wear the scarf. Ride the ogre. 532
John: Wear the scarf. Be the awesome coolkid. 576
Dave: Clean up this mess. 541
Vriska: Check on Sollux. 571
Karkat: Go back to adventurin'. 569
Roxy: Wear the scarf. Be the white text guy. 553
Months in the box. 544
Roxy: Proceed to second gate. 519
Months in the future... 520
Seconds in the future... 520
John: Return to computer lab. 552
Rose: Combine magnetic W and make a campfire. 574
Hours in the lid of the first visible captchalogue card. 538
John: Pick up car. 570
John: Combine ghost suit and particle accelerator 515
Terezi: Call a minion. 563