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Title Score
Kanaya: Deal with this guy. 504
John: Prepare for nap. 495
Dirk: Talk to friend/enemy. 472
Aradia: Check on lusus. 486
AH: Pull up to that observatory. 462
Equius: Get up and jam. 508
John: Make your way to the local amphibious fauna. 510
Dave: Insert card with Dutton ghost image. 470
John: Go in the past again. 459
John: Wake up and commence the adventurin'. 532
Karkat: Go back up. 470
Terezi: Go get a beverage. 486
John: Bone up on Nannaquin, see what's cookin'! 510
Dave: Ignore Lil Cal a nervous fist bump. 438
Dirk: Check on Sollux. 497
Rose: Check self for unauthorized demolition. 487
Terezi: Remove Midnight Crew poster. 505
Dave: Stop wasting time and stop the thief. 488
Years in the car. 488
TT: Grab the Eldritch Princess. 462