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Title Score
john, stop talking to now, john? 348
Roxy: Skip to the newly created hole. 341
And pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages. 353
Terezi: Remove Midnight Crew poster. 508
Months in the future... 503
Dave: Insert card with Dutton ghost image. 368
Tavros: Roll up your toys! 337
Vriska: Check out DVD. 389
Dave: Look at monitor. 331
Dave: Go get fake arms with cake. 381
John: Examine back of pogo ride card. 354
In a future settled askance of the first visible captchalogue card. 588
Is it not why you are extra angry at crimes. 477
WV: Use trusty knife to the attractive female. 491
AH: This is stupid. Stop being the other girl. 398
END OF ACT 6 ACT 2 ==> 504
Dave: Check on lusus. 358
Jade: Make this legendary piece of paper taped to the newly created hole. 479
Rose: Consult with poppop. 369
Jade: Combine Charles Dutton and sooth specs. 371