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Page 811 of 844

Title Score
Dave: Exit your room, and go to 359
Jade: Combine rifle, iron lass suit and Wise Guy book. 592
Jack: Use knife to snag one of grandpa's beauties and outfit. 346
WV: Try to open can with your own brain. 345
Terezi: Return to room. 338
Dave: Receive transfer from John. He has plenty. 487
In the aftermath of more terrain for city. 375
John: Take dowels and sheets from bed and make a new word for powercord. 406
A good place to keep them fresh. 361
Meanwhile, in a cautious manner. 371
Dave: Consult with him. 527
John: Get trolled by AT. 365
TT: Put the bunny back in time and stop the thief. 365
John: Be the Rider. 381
Hours in the box. 340
WV: Be the puppet. 360
Dave: Eject your modus and use telescope to inspect sky. 440
Jade: Gracefully fly to the chase and begin LARPing immediately. 450
Aradia: Be the other half of your items. 446