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Title Score
Meanwhile, in the past... 257
Jack: Call a witness. 279
Dave: Be the huge bitch. 305
Dave: Make air conditioner on roof. 319
John: => SWITCH 2. 295
Jane: Say hello to your room and contact TT through Pesterchum. 261
Jade: Go explore the house. 321
Rose: Go downstairs to the center and do a goofy dance. 328
Jade: Proceed to computer. 282
John: Go back into the living room. 255
Jack: Quick, be the pony. Second, trample Mom. 327
Karkat: Get down to business. 256
Sollux: Get to that transmaterializer. 296
Back in the box. 262
Terezi: Return to surface. 280
Years in the kitchen. 296
John: => SWITCH 3. 328
Karkat: Go back up. 256
Rose: Knit the scarf. Be the other girl and pester John. 291
Sollux: Get back to Stack Modus. 326