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Page 780 of 845

Title Score
Roxy: Send him off. 618
Terezi: Sniff around for anything else of importance. 321
Jade: Squeal like a proboscis. 282
Years in the temporally oblique... 259
Dave: Receive transfer from John. He has plenty. 256
WV: Settle this dispute in a jar and Mr. T puppet. 305
I selected all those kids. Now what? 265
Terezi: Take a look. 272
WV: Check book on desk. 296
WV: Type => SWITCH 4 266
Rose: Hurry up to the alchemiter. 238
Tavros: Look at a book. 277
TT: Put bathtub back. 260
Dave: Be the mayor. 246
Jane: Say hello to your room and contact TT through Pesterchum. 292
John: Read book. Be the other half of your own pee for the citizen cans. 279
PM : Read the next step of the Midnight Crew. 278
Equius: Get up and jam. 297
John: Captchalogue the beta. 315
john, stop talking to now, john? 258