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Page 727 of 843

Title Score
John: Reunite with your own pee for the WQ. 306
Rose: Combine magnetic W and make a tent. 225
Dave: Make air conditioner on roof. 229
Terezi: Deal with Terezi. 287
Jade: Proceed to crypt. 212
Jane: Check out Dave's computer. 229
Karkat: Be the other golden tower. 258
Months in the present... 245
And pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages and pages. 267
A good place to keep them fresh. 260
WV: Use trusty knife to the end. 273
TT: Pick up car. 226
John: Forget it. Go back up. 251
John: Go to computer. 287
john might i bother you for a few minutes ago... 241
John: Leave a surprise for the citizen cans. 252
AH: Pull up to that transmaterializer. 232
Tavros: Go outside and begin LARPing immediately. 263
John: Open the Package. 280