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Page 726 of 845

Title Score
Dave: Skip ahead a little. 251
Dave: Get the rest of your own brain. 308
John: Read note on the control panel. 282
Meanwhile, the past again. 252
Dave: Consult with him. 220
WV: Turn on the slot. 224
John: Clean up the can of custard. 236
Rose: Turn on your desk. 273
TT: Pick up the can labeled BEANS. 284
Terezi: Return to room. 228
Terezi: Return to surface. 225
Equius: Talk to alien. 259
Jade: Pick up sledgehammer. 280
Terezi: Confer with leader. 268
Karkat: Check out green tome. 237
Jade: Proceed to the story jackass. 296
Rose: Hurry up to the gray text knight. it is an unpleasant human 263
Feferi: Proceed to time capsule. 250
Jade: Draw air conditioner unit. 259
Equius: Talk to alien. 226