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Title Score
Rose: Combine magnetic W and make haste to the study. 247
WV: Examine contents of wallet. 230
Rose: Be the Rider. 224
I selected all those kids. Now what? 228
Rose: Attempt to get his attention. 253
John: Captchalogue the beta. 247
Meanwhile, in a distracting manner. 229
John: Get trolled by GC. 220
Vriska: Deal with your weak pathetic digits. 227
John: W8 around for anything else of importance. 227
Dave: Download a bunch of cool stuff. 258
Stop being the other asshole. 233
John: Pick up your ramp. 241
Jane: Run to your room! 221
Terezi: Be the puppet. 253
Rose: Examine book on Human Etiquette. 231
Aradia: Check on Rose. 254
DD: Proceed to gate. 255
Terezi: Return to surface. 223
Be Jack a few minutes. 276