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Page 675 of 845

Title Score
Dave: Quickly retrieve side arms. 229
Jane: Quickly retrieve side arms. 224
FOR THE LAST TIME I COMMAnd you to carve spook schema in pumpkin. 219
Eridan: Do something less boring. 220
Karkat: Deal with Karkat. 220
John: Go to computer. 233
Roxy: Wear the scarf. Be the other guy. 248
Tavros: Look at monitor. 222
WV: Peel label from can of gravy. Just pick it up. 248
Jade: Squeal like a goat and piss on your bed. 260
Dave: Insert disc 2. 256
WV: Try to open can with your loving wife and daughter. 289
Render the girl in a Timeless Expanse... 244
Jack: Attempt to retrieve mail. 315
Rose: See what you can as fast as you can as fast as you can hold. 219
Vriska: Deal with crabby customer. 263
Rose: Hit John in the future, but not many... 229
Feferi: Proceed to transmaterializer. 223
I selected all those kids. Now what? 223
Jane: Go to bedroom. 217