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Page 67 of 845

Title Score
==> 264
Dave: Pester Rose. 237
Jade: Combine dress of eclectica, Felt poster, and 8 ball. 261
John: Examine nearby station. 242
AH: This is stupid. Stop being the other girl. 255
======> 222
John: But seriously, keep exploring. 235
==> 255
==> 222
Jake: Pester Jane. 221
Rose: First, be the pony. Second, follow Mom. 239
==> 217
Tavros: Cut to the end. 257
======> 228
John: Examine back of captchalogue card on totem lathe. 226
TT: Zoom out. 241
==> 257
======> 228
==> 270
Lord English: Reveal yourself!!!!! 253