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Title Score
John: Be the other girl. 228
Dave: Check on prisoner. 232
Skip to the mausoleum. 211
John: Leave a surprise for the commercial zones. 209
Rose: Turn on your shirt changed. 230
DD: Ok, that's cool. Stop being the other guy again. 211
Dave: Go get a beverage. 208
John: Quickly retrieve arms from the tree. 215
WV: Pick up sledgehammer. 215
John: Investigate room for anything else of importance. 209
Dirk: Go through door. 212
Years in the box. 218
Terezi: Deal with crabby customer. 209
Months in the study. 231
John: Rebuild the claw hammer and nails. They will come in handy. 218
Dave: Insert disc 2. 216
Jade: Stop being a wiseass and get some sun. 211
Be the other wall. 216
Jade: Captchalogue bass on card with the CD on the Xbox. 211
Jade: Open Echidna and go into the garbage disposal. 209