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Roxy: Wail like an imbecile and shit on your bed. 211
Jade: Realize you can observe. 221
John: There's one more time. 219
Skip to the window! 236
John: Go back into room. 209
Rose: Check out magazine. 220
Jade: Be the huge bitch. 224
Dave: Go get help. 210
Aradia: Check on Rose. 209
PM?: Grab the soiled toilet. 224
A good place to keep them fresh. 216
END OF ACT 6 ACT 6 ACT 5 ACT 1. 210
Vriska: Get back to the chase and begin adventure. 212
Stop being the other half of your room! 210
Dave: Take legendary nap. 210
Jane: Prepare to revive. 221
Rose: Hurry up to the attractive female. 225
Terezi: Prepare to tidy up. 213
Jack: Search for power source. 217
Jane: Ok, back to the chase and play card games immediately. 216