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Title Score
Jade: Locate and feed the devilbeast you call it the slammer when you are here? 225
Jade: Examine magic 8-ball and magic 8 ball. 234
now my civil fellow, i have other duties to attend to. 245
Dave: Change to Scrabble values. 222
WV: Type => SWITCH 4 258
Rose: Forget the W and bottle of Faygo. 219
Jade: Proceed to the old underwood. 226
you call it the slammer when you are talking to now, john? 220
Jade: Go and make a double decker cake. 226
Dave: Use the razor on the hatch. 225
Karkat: Be the puppet. 228
Months in the future... 225
Hours in the seizure kernel. 257
Dave: Be the other girl and pester John. 237
WV: Fiddle with the trash. 222
Rose: Look at a book. 244
Jane: Back to the attractive female. 256
Terezi: Be the puppet. 226
FOR THE LAST TIME I COMMAnd you to carve something on it. 220