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Title Score
Jack: Forge blade out of the present... 219
Rose: Head out the Cruxtruder. 229
Rose: Turn on your turntable. 233
John: Read book. Be the awesome coolkid. 259
Jack: Be the huge bitch. 228
John: There's one more time. 221
Terezi: Take a closer look. 221
John: Go outside and check on John. 226
Jade: Be the huge bitch. 222
Terezi: Orchestrate demise of the punched pogo card. 238
Jack: Be the other asshole. 221
Jack: Quick, be the pony. Second, trample Mom. 223
Kanaya: Confer with network administrator. 225
END OF ACT 1. 230
TT: Put the bunny back in the head with box to get that globe. 221
John: Prepare for nap. 221
Vriska: Answer white text crashed my browser. 219
Years in the box. 222
Meanwhile, in the future... 498
John: Take dowels and sheets from bed and make haste to the kitchen back door. 227