Title | Score |
uu: Defeat UU. | 213 |
==> | 213 |
==> | 210 |
Elsewhere, we find a place... | 225 |
==> | 258 |
John: Investigate room for anything dad may have left behind | 220 |
Jane: Retrieve arm. | 217 |
John: Turn wheel again. | 216 |
==> | 213 |
John: Look to your room and contact TT through Pesterchum. | 218 |
==> | 211 |
==> | 259 |
John: Deploy... huh? | 265 |
==> | 218 |
==> | 221 |
Jade: Combine earmuffs and lunchtop. | 246 |
Jake: Shrink it. | 246 |
==> | 209 |
Serenity: Go get cane. | 212 |
Dave: Zoom in. | 211 |