Title | Score |
Dave: Install software. | 239 |
BE A MOMENT. | 270 |
==> | 222 |
Jack: Apologize to guard's body. | 236 |
==> | 221 |
Gamzee: Answer troll. | 223 |
Dirk: Jut your ass and twitch like a piglet and fertilize some plants. | 223 |
==> | 235 |
Jade: Exit this room. | 224 |
==> | 221 |
==> | 239 |
Rose: Recaptchalogue your items! | 226 |
Terezi: Deal with this guy. | 306 |
Examine room. | 222 |
John: Check mail. | 260 |
John: Take shortcut. | 227 |
==> | 227 |
==> | 225 |
o | 223 |
Lord English: Reveal yourself!!!!! | 513 |