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Page 295 of 845

Title Score
==> 264
==> 230
==> 224
John: Examine family tome of humour. 220
Dirk: Exit. 227
There is nothing inside. Should we put something in? 222
Terezi: Inspect noise. 228
John: Practice with new weapon. 271
Jade: Get down to business on computer. 226
WV: Give present! Hooray!!! 222
======> 224
Jane: Tell Seb to put fridge down. 220
==> 245
And much earlier than that... 252
Dirk: Examine puppet/hat pile. 263
John: Collect cards. 221
Dave: Go online and view sites indicative of your interests. 221
======> 280
Jade: Press the steak button. 280
==> 278